Help is always needed for our annual, biannual, and semi-annual fundraisers!
Some events sponsored and/or held in the past are: Rummage Sale (held in spring and fall), Plant Sales, Trivia Game Night, Murder Mystery Dinner, Indian Dinner, Chicken Barbeque, Paint with a Twist, Bake Sales, Neighborhood Board Game and Potluck Dinner Night, Chili/Mac n Cheese competition, Soup & Bread Competition, and more! Have an idea for a fundraiser? Let us know!
We count on the compassionate care team to assist our parishioners in need
Food, Transportation, and/or Prayer Shawls
If you would like to activate the prayer chain or become a part of the chain, please contact the rector.
provides support for members of the parish in need.
Maintains church property
The property commission is responsible for many areas on our property and they keep them running well and looking great! Volunteers are always welcome for our biannual clean-up days and other projects around the church.

Quilts for the NICU at Strong Hospital
One of the wonderful outreach ministries at St. Luke's is the quilting bee which meets quarterly to create these beautiful quilts for newborns at the NICU at Strong Hospital.
Get to know your fellow parishioners!
Previously small groups of 6-8 who meet monthly to share a meal and conversation. Looking forward, monthly gatherings with appetizers and drinks hosted by a few, but all are welcome!
(Just Us Ladies Into Eating Together)
Mostly retired ladies who meet and eat lunch together for fun and fellowship. Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at various local restaurants.
(Retired Old Men Eating out)
ROMEO Luncheon has been an institution of St. Luke’s for 20+ years. Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Riki’s Family Restaurant (25 north main st fairport). All men welcome, being retired is not a prerequisite.
Perinton Ecumenical Ministries & Ecumenical Ministries of Perinton
PEM/EMP meets four times a year with approximately 13 churches from the Perinton area represented.
Four different groups are under the auspices of EMP. They are:
Prison Ministry of Upstate New York (PMUNY)
Stop the Stigma—Rochester (STSROC), which promotes suicide prevention and raises awareness about mental health in youth ages 10-25.
Perinton Congregations for Flower City Habitat for Humanity
Fairport Good Neighbor Fund, which collects money from the Perinton churches and from caring individuals for the purpose of helping those within the town with emergency needs.
Perinton Churches Housing (PCH) is a ministry of 13 churches in Perinton (including St. Luke’s) and Fairport Baptist Homes Caring Ministries. These organizations have been working together since 1970 to provide quality affordable independent housing for low-to-moderate income seniors.
A ministry of 13 churches in Perinton and the Fairport Baptist Homes Caring Ministries
Formerly RAIHN (The Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network)
Family Promises of Rochester (formerly RAIHN) provides meals and lodging to homeless families throughout the year. St. Luke’s acts as a “support congregation” to the Church of the Assumption, the host church, in the village of Fairport. Volunteers have provided food, paper products, and grocery funds.